This QuickStart lists all the new and public beta features released, as well as bugs fixed in February 2025.

It is summary in nature, and you should refer to the specific Sigma documentation links provided for more information.

Public beta features will carry the section text "Beta".

All other features are considered released (GA or generally available).

Sigma actually has feature and bug fix releases weekly, and high-priority bug fixes on demand. We felt it was best to keep these QuickStarts to a summary of the previous month for your convenience.

New first Friday features QuickStarts will be published on the first Friday of each month, and will include information for the previous month.

For more information on Sigma's product release strategy, see Sigma product releases.

If something is not working as you expect, here is how to contact Sigma support.


Audit logs now available in us-east-1 region

Organizations hosted in AWS us-east-1 are now able to access the Sigma Audit Logs connection, which records data related to user-initiated events that occur within your Sigma organization. The connection is disabled by default, but an Admin user can enable it in the Administration portal.

For more information, see Enable audit logging

There is also a QuickStart on Audit Logging.

License tier updates

Sigma's license model now includes four tiers: View, Act, Analyze, and Build. This structure applies to all organizations created on or after March 4, 2025.

The Four Tiers:

  1. View: Suitable for report consumers who need access to prepared data and insights with baseline interactions
  2. Act: Ideal for collaborative data contributors who actively input and update data.
  3. Analyze: Optimized for decision-making data consumers who require more deep-dive capabilities without building workbooks themselves.
  4. Build: Designed for data architects, BI analysts, and report builders who model, transform, and analyze data.

Organizations created prior to this date will continue using Lite, Essential, and Pro license tiers and will be scheduled for a license migration at a later date.

For more information about the new licenses, see Account type and license overview.

Use different OAuth configurations for authenticating users to your connections than you use for your Sigma organization (Beta)

Sigma now supports authenticating a connection with OAuth without re-using OAuth credentials used for authenticating users to your Sigma organization.

As a result:

For instructions on how to configure a unique OAuth connection for a Databricks or Snowflake connection, see:

Connect to Databricks

Connect to Snowflake

For more general information about OAuth, see Configure OAuth.


Modal element (GA)

Modals help simplify workbook design and allow you to build a streamlined, app-like experience.

An open modal overlays and obscures a workbook page to provide a focused view of the modal content. This reduces visual clutter and allows you to present form fields, provide customized drill-downs, display controls and filters in a dedicated container, etc.

To incorporate a modal into a workbook, you must configure an Open modal action.

For more information, see Add a modal to a workbook and Open or close a modal.

Updated application of the "On close" action trigger for modals

The On close trigger type for modals has been updated to only initiate actions when a user clicks the Close icon or anywhere outside the modal.

The trigger no longer applies when the Close modal action is configured for the primary or secondary button.

If you configured actions for the On close trigger that are intended to initiate when a user clicks a button to trigger a Close modal action, you can move the actions to the applicable button trigger.


Expanded options for the Add workbook schedule endpoint

The Add workbook schedule endpoint POST /v2/workbooks/{workbookId}/schedules now supports options that were previously available only from the UI, such as creating a conditional export, repeating pivot header labels, compressing attachments to a zip file, and specifying control values for the export.

Swap link sources for datasets

The Swap workbook data sources endpoint, POST /v2/workbooks/{workbookId}/swapSources now includes the option to swap dataset links.

When using the sourceMapping option, the columnMapping option supports specifying a link name and linked column name to swap from one dataset link to another dataset link.

For example, to change the source for a workbook from one dataset link to another, set the fromId and toId to the same dataset ID, but update the fromColumn to the name of the previous dataset link and linked column name and the toColumn to the desired dataset link and linked column:

    "sourceMapping": [
            "fromId": "bfa59799-69c7-423d-b965-7319cbfc2ebb",
            "toId": "bfa59799-69c7-423d-b965-7319cbfc2ebb",
            "columnMapping": [
                    "fromColumn": ["Link name", "Missing column name"],
                    "toColumn": ["Link name", "New column name"]


1: The Create connection endpoint POST /v2/connections and Update connection endpoint PUT /v2/connections/{connectionId} no longer fail when creating or updating connections with OAuth.

2: When the value of a grouping key is null, applying the Selection variable to an Open link action no longer returns a null value that opens a blank page.


Customize chart and formatting color scales (GA)

Create custom color scales to use when formatting chart colors or conditional formatting for tables. Create a custom color scale for an organization theme, workbook theme, or for a specific data element.

For more information, see Add a custom color scale.


New outbound events in embeds

Use two new outbound events, workbook:bookmark:ondelete and workbook:bookmark:onupdate, to communicate and interact between embedded content and the host application.

The event, workbook:bookmark:ondelete occurs when an embed user deletes a bookmark using the embed UI.

The event, workbook:bookmark:onupdate occurs when an embed user updates a bookmark using the embed UI by either changing the bookmark name, setting or removing it as the default view, sharing the bookmark, or unsharing the bookmark by setting it as a personal view.

For more information, see Implement inbound and outbound events in embeds.


Data App QuickStarts are Here!

In fact, there are ten to choose from right now!

Data App Fundamentals

Adjustment Change Log


Discounted Cash Flow

Forms Quick Capture and Analysis with Sigma

Integrate 3rd Party REST API via Stored Procedure

Native Sigma Snapshot Workflow

Pivot Spreading


Snapshotting with Stored Procedures


Freeze columns in pivot tables

Pivot tables now support the ability to freeze or unfreeze the position of column:

For more information, see Format column location in a table.

Redesigned user interface

The workbook and data model UI has been redesigned to simplify the creation experience in Sigma. The redesign includes the following changes:

Sigma's redesign sharpens the experience without sacrificing power. A cleaner UI, smarter workflows, and a more intuitive flow mean you can move faster, focus on what matters, and get to insights without distractions. Whether you're deep into analysis or just getting started, Sigma stays flexible and responsive to your needs. This is just the start—we'll keep pushing forward to make data exploration even more seamless, powerful, and accessible.

The new UI has been rolled out for all new Sigma organizations, and will continue to be enabled in a multi-stage rollout for all existing organizations.

To learn more about the design ethos behind this change, see Making Sigma Click: Introducing Our Refreshed Interface.

Schedule exports as an email burst (GA)

You can send a custom-filtered report to a dynamic list of recipients as a scheduled email burst.

Send a workbook, workbook pages, and individual workbook elements as supported attachment types, such as PDF, Excel, or PNG files.

For more information, see Export as email burst.

There is also QuickStart on email bursting.

Set conditional exports to alert a specific number of times (Beta)

Limit the number of conditional exports by setting the frequency of an export to send only a given number of times per day, per week, or all time.

For example, a conditional export that sends an email when there is data in a table can be set to alert once per day.


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